ASSUMPTION OF RISK - LAB.002 sarl (Switzerland) or LAB.001 bvba (Belgium) (to be refered to as “Addictlab”) do not assume responsibility for those inherent risks which may cause unfortunate accidents or incidents during our workshops. Addictlab will not be held responsible for injury, death, damage, loss, delay, cost, expense, or inconvenience arising from accidents and misfortunes. The participant and his/her representatives understand, acknowledge, and expressly and voluntarily assume all risks and full responsibility for any injury arising out of or related to the Activities offered by Addictlab.
RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND AGREEMENT NOT TO SUE - The participant and his/her representatives do hereby release, discharge and agree not to sue Addictlab and its managers, members, employees and/or other agents, for any injury to or death of the Participant arising, directly or indirectly, from participation in the Activities. This release, discharge and covenant not to sue shall relate to any and all claims or legal rights now existing or arising in the future, including claims and legal rights arising out of any negligence of Addictlab and/or its managers, members, employees and/or other agents and any other breach of a legal duty arising out of common law, statute, contract or otherwise.
INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS – The participant and his/her representatives hold Addictlab harmless from, without limitation, any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney’s fees and costs, incurred due to claims brought by any third party as a result of or arising out of the Participant’s involvement in the Activities and to reimburse Addictlab for any such costs, expenses and fees as they are incurred.
HEALTH & ALLERGIES - The participant and his/her representatives will notify Addictlab about any food or other allergies.
EXPECTATIONS - The Addictlab crew is continuously evaluating workshops for the Addictlab Academy. However, it remains a laboratory. Outcome of workshops might not be as expected, due to different reasons, technical or other.
LOCATION - Addictlab takes on temporary lab spaces. Workshops might be re-located due to unforeseen events. In the event of relocation, participants will be notified.