The form you visited was used by its owner – a free 123FormBuilder user – in violation of our terms of service. 123FormBuilder has a strict "no abuse" policy. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you by this user.
We use human review and automated abuse detection for the forms created by users of our service. We provide user registration details, logs and IP addresses of abusing accounts to the qualified authorities who take legal action against online criminal activity.
Violation of our terms of service refers, most often, to phishing attempts. These include the forms created to:
If you are the owner of this form and believe you have respected our TOS, please contact us to clarify this issue. If your aim is to abuse our service, don't waste your time. The smallest TOS violation will suspend and ban your account.
123FormBuilder is an online form and survey builder that allows users to create any type of web form as easy as 1-2-3. To learn more about 123FormBuilder, please visit our home page: